The White Student in Five Pre-dominantly Black Universities

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Brown, Charles I.
Stein, Phyllis R.
Savannah (Ga.)
Chatham County (Ga.)
African American universities and colleges--Georgia—Savannah
Segregation in education
College attendance
Issue Date
This article appeared in the Faculty Research Bulletin. Begun in 1954, the Faculty Research Edition of the Savannah State College Bulletin was initiated to encourage and publish studies relating to the institution and the fields of special interest of faculty and staff. It contains pure research as well as creative writing. It is primarily a medium for the faculty of SSC, but scholarly papers from other faculties are accepted. Manuscripts that have already been published or accepted for publication in other journals are not included.
Other Titles
During the past decade, the attention of the nation has been focused, as never before, on the growing enrollment of black students in predominantly white and black institutions of higher learning, while something less than scant notice has been paid by the most influential of the national media to a concurrent increase of white students enrolled in predominatly black colleges and universities.' This assertion is further borne out by a review of the current literature of higher education that bears upon the racially mixed composition of today's college campus programs. A review of this portion of the literature reveals a reservoir of studies replete with titles of investigations of the black student attending predominantly white institutions and of black students enrolled in black institutions. However, the imbalance or omission of investigations of the white student enrolled in predominantly black institutions is glaringly obvious. In partial rectification of this omission, this study focuses on the white student enrolled in predominantly black institutions in an attempt to substitute factual information for conjecture and speculation about this little studied group of white students. The primary concerns of this turnabout study were to learn about the expectations and experiences of white students as minority students on black campuses. A secondary concern of this inquiry was to determine the need or relevancy of special orientation programs to help speed the adjustment process of white students who chose to attend predominantly black institutions of higher learning.